Cryptocurrency exchanges

Creation of platforms for converting/mixing cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. on their like or USD

Decentralized servers

Creation of own server for API and network of sites for their work with server for blockchain, work on telegram bots for notification and management of your accounts

Online store for lingerie

The website of the online store for a year I made on a turnkey basis from scratch in Laravel. There is a payment and a basket of orders, a personal account for clients and administrators or moderators

28 June 2020
Online shop for t-shirts in Laravel

Website for an online store of T-shirts on Laravel with the ability to order both ready-made and with a graphic editor

29 January 2019
PHP project for gallery

Made a project with an admin panel in a month. The entire structure of the site was written from scratch, the design was taken from the template and changed many times.

19 September 2018
Kitchen - when cooking is a joy

Developed on CMS Drupal. Site - a book of recipes with auto-parsing from various open resources and auto-posting of publications

29 December 2014
Concord Cinema

Developed on CMS Drupal. Site-poster for the cinema "Concord" Poltava with a system of the schedule of sessions and posters for future sessions

10 April 2016
Website for the sale of women's handbags

The site was written for e-commerce on CMS Opencart with the implementation of a personalized admin panel and an ordering system

9 February 2016
Parsing or all sorts of scripts

I will perform tasks
like on Node.JS, JavaScript, VueJS, PHP, Ajax, MySql, jQuery ...

Telegram bot

I can create telegram bots with feedback (function keys). Will be able to react to commands and analyze the chat or moderate the group

Browser extension

Created an extension for browsers on Chromium for converting cryptocurrencies into "regular" currencies

Travel agency "Ilona"

The site is hosted on the Ucoz platform. Was engaged in design, advertising and booking system

Recruiting domestic staff

The site is hosted on the Ucoz platform. Was engaged in design, advertising

Recreation center "Iney" in Zatoka

The site was developed from scratch on PHP technology and was engaged in promotion and support

Website for mobile phones

The project was created on Ucoz, then moved to CMS Drupal, was engaged in SEO of the site and its promotion

Other small projects
Name Short description Technologies used
Poltava News Poltava independent news agency ucoz, template, php, css
The site of the Palace of Leisure "Listopad" Site first on Ucoz then Drupal, with a ticketing system ucoz, drupal, template, php, css, seo, sales
Mashkina Tamara Grigorievna Website for Tamara Grigorievna Mashkin ucoz, template, php, css
Eidetic memory Website for Tamara Grigorievna Mashkin ucoz, template, php, css
One page salesperson Website in PHP for the sale of handbags for mobile versions template, php, css, commerce, whatsapp api, telegram api